My Musings

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Airborne School

Well, folks, I just completed week one of airborne school. This is ground week. I spent the week learning proper exit techniques and proper techniques for slamming my body into the ground. We use what we call PLF's (Parachute Landing Falls). This is the process by which we slam our bodies into the ground. We land on the balls of our feet, roll into our calf muscles, our knees, our thighs, and then into our pull up muscles on our upper back.


I am covered in bruises and am black and blue. But it is a lot of fun. It is way more fun than I ever thought that it would be. Woohoo. This coming week we will be jumping off of the 250 foot tower.

And in another week, five jumps from 1200 feet. Wow! I can't wait!



  • Ground week is the worst. The torture harness just about killed me. We had a few people that could not lift themselves up so they were kicked out of jump school. Tower week is not so bad. The 34ft tower looks intimidating but is actually very easy.

    Ps. did you get my email address.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 7:42 AM  

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