My Musings

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Something Special for the One You Love

Are there ever days when you want to do something little and sweet for your spouse but you just don’t know what to do? I know that I’ve not been married all that long. It will be three years next month but there have been days that I wanted to do something special for my husband but I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I go out and buy a gift, should I do a candy gram, should I hide from him when he is coming in the door after a long day at work and the list could go on. There are several things that you can do for your spouse. It doesn’t always have to be something that the wife does for the husband. You husbands can do something for you wife as well!

Shortly after my husband and I were married we received this list in the young couples Sunday school class. I have done some of these things and they are really quite simple and a lot of fun. I hope that this list will give you some ideas to try and maybe you have already done some of these already.

I have my favorite picture of my husband that is inside the front cover of my Bible. It is not a serious picture of him, but rather one where he is being goofy. I took the picture while we were driving in the car on the way home from my in-laws house and he was making a silly face and shrugging his shoulders with his arms in the air. Every time I open my Bible and look at that picture I am reminded of how much we love each other.

  1. Verbally compliment your spouse habitually, in private and in public.
  2. Hide little gifts and small love tokens around the house for your spouse.
  3. Write a special love note and put it in a place that it is sure to be found.
  4. Take your wife out to eat at a restaurant and sit next to her in the booth.
  5. Plan a surprise picnic for your husband, and remember to invite him.
  6. Surprise your wife by doing some of the housework without her asking.
  7. Plan a special weekend outing for just the two of you, without and kids.
  8. Arrange a mystery date night at a location that your spouse will enjoy.
  9. Create a candlelight dinner for two and make it an extra special evening.
  10. Invite your wife out for lunch at a respectable, amorous restaurant.
  11. Telephone your wife during the day and tell her how much you love her.
  12. Think of a special term of endearment to call your wife and use it wisely.
  13. Pack a special love not in your husbands lunch box or briefcase.
  14. Give your wife some spending money and let her go out with her friends.
  15. Watch the kids for your wife and let her have a whole day to shop.
  16. Ask your wife to go for a late afternoon walk and hold her hand.
  17. Put on a special smile when your wife enters your workplace or office.
  18. Make sure to display a picture of your wife at the office or workplace.
  19. Keep a picture of your wife in your Bible, and your wallet at all times.
  20. Go to games, functions, and social outings whenever the schedule permits.
For all of you that are married or plan on being married someday if the Lord allows. Keep these ideas in mind as you go through your marriage.

Serving the Master,

Diane Cardot



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