My Musings

Monday, December 17, 2007

Why Won't People Make Things Right?

Why is it, do you suppose, that people are so willing to put off making things right with God? People live as if every day of their life is guaranteed. Many folks are much like the rich man whose story is told by Jesus. The rich man decided to tear down his barns to build bigger and greater things to hold all of his wealth and savings. Instead, however, he died suddenly!

What is it that makes people die without Christ? Why don’t they realize the importance of that decision? What is it that Satan uses to blind their eyes?

Is it unbelief? Many people are going to be turned away from God because they did not believe in the rightly inspired Word of God in that they did not believe the pure and simple plan of God’s salvation. People may sincerely believe in baptism, deeds, or sacraments to get them to heaven. These, however, are only a sign that they do not believe that Christ is the only way to heaven. Their unbelief or misbelief, if I may create a word, will send them to a hell that was not intended for them. Sincerity does not matter. The object of our belief does matter.

Is it procrastination? Many people do believe that God’s Word is true and yet they continue to ignore his warnings because they are putting it off. I have heard many people say, “Well, I believe it is true, but I’m just not ready…maybe next week.” What a sad statement!

Is it that they grieved the Holy Spirit? Could it be that people spend so much of their life rejecting God and denying His conviction on their heart that He simply stops working on them? Could it be that God decides to draw the line and a person can find himself without hope.

Whatever the case, unbelief, procrastination, or grieving away the Holy Spirit, people will wake up one day too late when this life is over. They are going to find out that Christ was everything. The lost will wake up to a rude awakening in terms of the grave circumstances that they have placed themselves in by their sin and rejection of the savior.

Even we as Christians are going to find this true in our lives. Many Christians don’t really trust God in true belief and follow him in faith. Many Christians put off making things right with Him. Many Christians grieve away the Holy Spirit from working in their lives.


  • Excellent post.

    By Blogger Diane Cardot, At 9:10 AM  

  • Thanks, honey.

    By Blogger Nicholas Z. Cardot, At 11:19 AM  

  • Amen Bro Nicholas you are exactly right many Christians will wake up one day and realize how much they truly missed as a result of not being right with God. People think they have all the time in the world to get right with God but one day that will not be the case. Thanks for posting.

    Bro Tim

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:28 AM  

  • Good post!! Good to see you posting again.

    By Blogger Kristina, At 12:15 PM  

  • You bring out some very good points. I think it is all of them or a combination of all of them. I'm sorry I haven't been by. I was getting your blog updates in my email and hadn't gotten anything in a while so thought I would come by and when I did I found you have been posting all along. I'm so sorry I've missed them all. I'll be catching up!!

    By Blogger Sis. Julie, At 12:32 PM  

  • Thanks everybody for stopping by. I hope to resume some of my more regular posting habits. Thanks for all the kind words.

    By Blogger Nicholas Z. Cardot, At 8:23 PM  

  • Merry Christmas to you too!

    By Blogger Kristina, At 8:53 AM  

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